
Base game components
- Game board is double-sided - base game / Firelands) in Collector’s Edition
- 1 Game Board (65x65cm)
- 4 Player boards (blue, yellow, green, white; dual-layer 27.5x17cm; double-sided multi-player/Solo)
- 12 Special Action tiles (90x32mm)
- 8 Correspondence tiles (34x54mm)
- 12 Beagle Goal tiles (44x24mm)
- 16 Specimen tokens (29mm dia. round)
- 16 Museum tiles (33x33mm square)
28 Player Objective tiles (30x30mm):
- 8 Starting Objectives (4 corner tabs; 4 Silver, 4 Gold)
- 20 Objective tiles (10 Silver, 10 Gold)
- 48 Stamps (12x each player color; 16x20mm)
- 24 Personal Lenses (6x each player color; 25mm dia.)
- 2 Neutral Lenses (beige)
- 16 Temporary tokens (purple; 18x18mm)
68 Wax Seals (16mm dia.):
- 56 Regular Wax Seals (14x each color/type: yellow Correspondence, green Exploration, red Knowledge, blue Navigation)
- 12 Special Wax Seals (purple Wild Darwin)
- 40 Coins (28x copper value 1, 12x gold value 5)
32 cards (58x90mm):
- 16 Crew cards
- 16 Automa (Solo) cards (8 Alfred Action cards, 8 Alfred Bonus Track cards)
- 20 Workers (10x21x7mm; 5x per player color)
- 12 Explorers (12x16x7mm; 3x per player color)
- 20 Tents (12x8x7mm; 5x per player color)
- 4 Player Ships (24x18x7mm; 1x per player color)
- 16 Cubes (8mm); 4x per player color)
- 1 HMS Beagle ship (brown, 24x19x9mm)
- 30 Research tokens (clear transparent acrylic, 12mm dia. x 3mm)
1 Player Aid sheet
Preliminary and unofficial FAQ
From this post, credits greendog99
- Can an Academy action discount (e.g. gain a Wax Seal with a -2 discount) be applied to the cost of placing the seal on my player board?
— Yes. Sum the cost penalty of the scroll in the Academy (if you don’t have the objective bonus) with the board placement penalty, then apply the discount over the total. [
- Can I have two tents at same location?
— No. Each player may only have one tent per campsite location. [
- Can I take a movement action (for an explorer or a ship) and move zero spaces?
— No. You always have to move a minimum of 1 space. [
- What happens to seals removed from the top Academy row during cleanup?
— They are removed from the game. [
- What if we run out of seals when refreshing the Academy during cleanup?
— Seals are a limited resource. If you run out, you run out. [
- During the Rewards phase, what happens if an Envelope reward allows me to place additional stamps?
- If placed above the currently evaluated envelope, stamps will apply during the next round.
- If placed in the currently evaluated envelope, stamps will apply during the next round. Do not count them among the stamps to be removed for determining majority. [6]
- If placed below the currently evaluated envelope, stamps will apply this round when that envelope is evaluated. [7]
- Does the Objective reward that limits the Beagle Lagging Penalty to -2 affect the total penalty or each penalty when a ship is multiple zones behind the Beagle?
— The maximum value of each Lagging Penalty between the Beagle and the ship is -2. If your ship is far behind the Beagle, this could result in a total penalty of -4 or -6, for example. [8, Rulebook p. 21]
- Can an Academy action discount (e.g. gain a Wax Seal with a -2 discount) be applied to a Time Track Penalty (e.g. spend +1 coin for each Gain Scroll action)?
— Yes. You can apply the discount to the entire cost of gaining the Wax Seal, including any Time Track Penalty. [
- When passing an Adventure Token during movement, when do I resolve the Adventure card?
— Draw the Adventure card, inspect the options, and then decide when to do it during your current turn. Consider the adventures as bonus actions you are getting, which means you can trigger that bonus anytime during your turn like you do when completing a character card or objective. [
- What if there are no more adventure cards, but there are still tokens on the board?
— Reshuffle the discards to form a new deck. [11]