#149396: "Unable to tend 2nd strawberry"
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I don't get why i can't place a strawberry in the 1 slot under my current strawberry's.
• ¿Qué es lo que trataste de hacer para activar esta acción del juego?
FIeld action, plant then tend• ¿Qué sucedió cuando lo hiciste (el mensaje de error, mensaje en la barra de estado del juego, ...)?
A green box appeard around the 4 square that the pumpkin was in, not able to select the 1x1• ¿Qué navegador estás usando?
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tried to plant(through tending) a strawberry under strawberries, beside pumpkins. Wasn't allowed.
The very next turn I could now plant a strawberry in the same slot.
What move number is this?
Table #598386162
Move #162
It did let me confirm after clicking, so maybe it's just an invisible strawberry. I'll know when I harvest. It'll be 50 points if the strawberry isn't there, and 51 if it is.
- tankbard reported the wrong table number
- That said, I did find a visual glitch when attempting to place a strawberry in the upper left (empty) corner of the 2x2 cell containing a pumpkin that was tended/planted at the same time. I'm fairly sure this is the bug as originally reported. If there are still issues around tending strawberries, please open a new ticket.
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- Si tienes una captura de este error (buena práctica), puedes usar Imgur.com para subirla y copiar/pegar el enlace aquí.