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#149473: "Automate moves"
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Sugerencia: en mi opinión, esta idea puede mejorar mucho la implementación del juego
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Often, the order locations are activated is not important.
It would be good to have an option to execute locations automatically. This could appear just after the workers have been placed and also in between turns (when this option was not selected just after worker placement).
This would make turn based games so much faster.• ¿Qué navegador estás usando?
Google Chrome v131
Historial de informes
14 dic 2024 15:06 •
TheCat • Esta sugerencia aún no ha sido analizada por los desarrolladores:
5 ene 2025 23:57 • I agree with this suggestion. I would implement it so that players could arrange their actions in the order they want to activate them. This could happen during the Followers Phase.
SimplicatusGames • Esta sugerencia aún no ha sido analizada por los desarrolladores:
13 feb 2025 20:42 • Good idea to let players pick the order of their actions. This is better than the "whatever" button that is suggested in a different report. It would certainly speed up turn-based games a lot.
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