#37755: "Unexpected error when playing Binoculars"
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I wanted to use the Binoculars (which allows me to use any {} site). When clicking on it, it also highlights the sites in the bottom (tent) area. When clicking on any of the tent sites, it shows error "Unexpected error: BGA service error (2.boardgamearena.com 01/04 12:43:08)" (red bar shows up, plus notification in the game log. I assume it might be against the rules to use the tents, but then it would be good to not highlight those tent sites.• ¿Qué navegador estás usando?
Historial de informes
Unexpected error: BGA service error (9.boardgamearena.com 14/09 20:40:36) on table 201652705
At first I got this when the site was occupied, but even unoccupied I am getting the same error. This is something that should be allowed. I refreshed and exited and went back in several times and got the same error.
Tafel #261082051
Zet #34
Voortgang 30%
BGA Service Error when playing Binoculars
i have the binoculars card. i want to use it, but i can not activate any site with it.
there is always "unexpected error". so do i understand the card wrong??? or is it a bug. so i will report it there
i used it in basecamp and others. but it did not work..
i had same error yesterday in another match with that card
Unerwarteter Fehler:BGA service error (reference: GS6 20/08 11:24:43)
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- Si tienes una captura de este error (buena práctica), puedes usar Imgur.com para subirla y copiar/pegar el enlace aquí.