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Informes de Tash-Kalar
#43215: "Mouseover display of cards in the game logs sometimes stops working"
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Sugerencia: en mi opinión, esta idea puede mejorar mucho la implementación del juego
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Moving the mouse over cards in the game log is supposed to make a readable version of the card pop up. This often doesn't work, making it hard to figure out what happened on the other player's turn.• ¿Qué navegador estás usando?
Brave 1.25.72
Historial de informes
Aciho • Los desarrolladores aún no han podido reproducir el error:
18 jun 2021 10:29 • Refreshing the page doesn't help. Problem seems to appear and disappear at random.
Aciho • Los desarrolladores aún no han podido reproducir el error:
18 jun 2021 10:32 • I just tried hitting the replay button and the game played a different set of moves that didn't involve my opponent playing a card at all. I think it might be a bug with the undo system - cards played and then undone are left in the log but can't be moused over properly.
Quinarbre • Esta sugerencia aún no ha sido analizada por los desarrolladores:
18 jun 2021 10:34 • Actually it works only for cards that have been played while you were online and watching the game, so refreshing the page is the best way to break it :)
I'll requalify that as a suggestion, since it requires a significant code improvement.
Yes, replay does not interact well with undo, because I'm abusing the move and log system.
I'll requalify that as a suggestion, since it requires a significant code improvement.
Yes, replay does not interact well with undo, because I'm abusing the move and log system.
Aciho • Esta sugerencia aún no ha sido analizada por los desarrolladores:
18 jun 2021 11:06 • At least I know how to work around it now. Thanks!
Agregar a este informe
Por favor agrega aquí cualquier cosa que sea relevante para reproducir este error o entender tu sugerencia:
- Otro ID de partida / ID de jugada
- ¿Se resolvió el problema al pulsar F5?
- ¿Apareció el problema varias veces? ¿Cada vez? ¿Aleatoriamente?
- Si tienes una captura de este error (buena práctica), puedes usar para subirla y copiar/pegar el enlace aquí.