#160080: "Giant Brain bought through Made in a Lab did not trigger 4th roll on the turn "
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• ¿Qué parte de las reglas no se ha respetado en la adaptación de BGA?
I see no reason why the card would not have any effect on the actual turn as no rolls were done yet.
No clear indication in rule book about it but does not follow the logic.• ¿La infracción de las reglas es visible en la repetición de la partida? Si es así, ¿en qué jugada?
Yes, card was bought on move 82• ¿Qué navegador estás usando?
Google Chrome v133
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I see it as you getting the dice and number of rolls before you purchase the card, so these cards don't affect your number of dice and rolls.
Made in Lab is still quite a powerful card, and adding this change would make it even more powerful, too powerful for 3 energy cost.
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