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#19533: "It is hard to keep count of the spade flip counts"
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Sugerencia: en mi opinión, esta idea puede mejorar mucho la implementación del juego
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In the basic form of the game, each 'spade' tile may be flipped three times.
When placing a tile and deciding whether to place a welly boot on a feature, the game blanks the spade counts from all the spade tiles. It does this because, at that moment, flipping a tile would be illegal (you may lay a tile OR flip a tile, not do both at once).
However, this is really confusing. Suppose you want to lay a tile with your first move then flip a tile with your second. At the point you are laying your first tile, the flippable tile looks like it has exhausted its flips. The only way to be sure is to cancel the tile-laying, check to ensure that the tile *is* flippable, select the tile again, remember that the tile is flippable even though it looks like it isn't, and commit to laying the tile.
I see two alternatives to improving this situation.
Option 1. Use a different visual style to indicate the spade tiles which are exhausted completely and those which still have flips remaining.
Option 2. Introduce a limited 'undo' facility, as some other games on this site have (eg Sapiens) which allows the player to go back to before their first move if they're unhappy with the situation before they complete their second move.
Option 2 would also solve some other minor issues, such as where you lay a tile the wrong way around and accidentally commit.• ¿Qué navegador estás usando?
Mozilla v5
Historial de informes
nairobiny • Esta sugerencia aún no ha sido analizada por los desarrolladores:
19 jun 2020 13:21 • No more to add at this point.
Cheery Dog • Esta sugerencia aún no ha sido analizada por los desarrolladores:
16 ago 2020 11:02 • Can we also have some form of notification about how many flips are left once you personally are out of spade cards
While I know it's not possible for me to flip that card, I would like to see if it's possible for my opponent to flip that card.
While I know it's not possible for me to flip that card, I would like to see if it's possible for my opponent to flip that card.
lefalaf • Esta sugerencia aún no ha sido analizada por los desarrolladores:
28 jul 2024 23:03 • Agree with CheeryDog's comment. i came here to check for and report the same suggestion. Once you are out of spades, you cannot tell which flippable cards your opponent has available to them and so planning your play is difficult, near impossible, short of I suppose replaying the game at / to an appropriate point.
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