#22859: "Peddler not implemented correctly when 2 markers are removed"
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• ¿Qué parte de las reglas no se ha respetado en la adaptación de BGA?
drive.google.com/file/d/0Bw24sRi2d9_pV0xqeERhcGFab3c/view Official unofficial FAQ 33.5
Green player displaced player Blue's 6 marker. Player Blue had a 5 marker next to it. Player Blue had Peddler.
Player Blue clicked on the 6 and the BGA interface did not let player Blue move the 6 marker to the 5 spot.
It seems Peddler is not implemented properly. ALL markers are removed immediately when a new marker is placed. The Peddler is an action that lets you re-place a marker AFTER the remove. The 5 spot should have been available.
Proper implementation is just remove all the markers and make a list of all open spaces surrounding each removed marker and then present it to the Peddler player to place back a marker.• ¿La infracción de las reglas es visible en la repetición de la partida? Si es así, ¿en qué jugada?
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Google Chrome v84
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Implementation is such that you move booted markers before the others are removed. That said I'm not sure when I'll get around to looking at this closer.
I did not receive an additional point for this. I can't find anything in the rules about this specific case.
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