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Informes de Quoridor
#27935: "Many games have a confirmation button when you have made your move"
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Sugerencia: en mi opinión, esta idea puede mejorar mucho la implementación del juego
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• Por favor explica tu sugerencia de manera precisa y concisa para que sea lo más fácil posible entender lo que quieres decir.
In game #120733824 I was playing red moving to the top of the board. I wanted to move my pawn one spot up and my cursor was not completely on the pawn and I placed a fence. I would like the chance to confirm that move.• ¿Qué navegador estás usando?
Google Chrome v86
Historial de informes
Melissa0366 • Esta sugerencia aún no ha sido analizada por los desarrolladores:
10 nov 2020 15:34 • My red pawn was in the far left column three squares from the edge of the board. I wanted to move my pawn one square up and ended up placing a fence one square from the edge of the board, blocking my own pawn. A confirmation button would allow correction of an accidental placement of fences or movement.
bpaf • Esta sugerencia aún no ha sido analizada por los desarrolladores:
16 mar 2021 20:25 • This has many other uses as well: you can place a fence or move a pawn and then assess the situation visually—then you get a chance to decide whether you want to confirm or try something else—when you're happy you confirm.
The game Go (classicgo) works the same way, would be great to have this in Quoridor for sure!
The game Go (classicgo) works the same way, would be great to have this in Quoridor for sure!
wiciu • Esta sugerencia aún no ha sido analizada por los desarrolladores:
25 nov 2021 11:42 • It too easy to misclick and ruin the game. We need confirmation button.
InerrantEmir • Esta sugerencia aún no ha sido analizada por los desarrolladores:
29 sep 2023 12:19 • I have lost quite a few games through misclicks. A confirmation button would greatly improve the implementation of Quoridor
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- Si tienes una captura de este error (buena práctica), puedes usar para subirla y copiar/pegar el enlace aquí.