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#47128: "allow game board to be resized and/or get rid of annoying "adaptive" resizing"
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Sugerencia: en mi opinión, esta idea puede mejorar mucho la implementación del juego
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Please allow the game board to be resized or just make it slightly smaller than it is - or, at least, don't make it do that annoying "adaptive" thing where it resizes itself depending on the size of the screen.
The game board as it appears is just a little too big for me to see the whole thing. When I zoom out to try to see the whole thing, it actually gets *bigger* (because the sidebar information shrinks so the board grows to fill the gap). If I zoom in to 150% the board is *almost* small enough for me to see it all (except the information bar at the top is now huge and still obscures part of the board). If I zoom in farther, the site seems to think I'm viewing on a mobile device and rearranges/resizes everything differently - and I still can't see the whole board at once.• ¿Qué navegador estás usando?
Mozilla v5
Historial de informes
25 ago 2021 5:09 •
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