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Informes de Photosynthesis
#79061: "turn counter"
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Sugerencia: en mi opinión, esta idea puede mejorar mucho la implementación del juego
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It would be nice if there was a sort of countdown to the last turn that was shown next to the board.• ¿Qué navegador estás usando?
Google Chrome v108
Historial de informes
12 ene 2023 17:21 •
Livini • Esta sugerencia aún no ha sido analizada por los desarrolladores:
15 mar 2023 16:20 • Yeah, I'd like it to be clearer when the game will end.
Fletcheese • Esta sugerencia aún no ha sido analizada por los desarrolladores:
23 mar 2023 18:08 • Definitely agree with this. The round/turn count is great, but further indication that the game is approaching its end would be helpful. Maybe color coordinate the numbers? E.g. make Round 3/3 red? Or show a banner saying "This is the last round"? Not picky, would just help a lot to bring further attention to game progression
vBrett • Esta sugerencia aún no ha sido analizada por los desarrolladores:
31 mar 2023 9:19 • There are many other games display a red ribbon to announce the last round.
I think this will be a easy minimal addition - but a better turn couter even more
I think this will be a easy minimal addition - but a better turn couter even more
Cos- • Esta sugerencia aún no ha sido analizada por los desarrolladores:
16 feb 2025 15:56 • I voted for this, and also added a related suggestion to have that banner/ribbon that people cannot miss:
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