Aquatica es un juego familiar de construcción complejo, pero fácil de aprender, sobre reinos subacuáticos.
En el juego te convertirás en uno de los poderosos reyes del océano, luchando por traer gloria a su reino. Para ganar, deberás capturar y comprar locaciones, reclutar nuevos personajes y completar objetivos, acciones que te dan puntos de victoria al final del juego. Para ello jugarás cartas de tu mano (provistas de conjuntos de acciones únicos) y las combinarás. Pero ¡no es tan sencillo! Durante tu turno puedes encadenar hasta diez acciones con una buena estrategia.
Encontrarás muchas criaturas misteriosas en el océano que cogerás para tu mano. Podrás explorar las locaciones desconocidas con su ayuda y recuperar los recursos encontrados de las profundidades del océano para tu reino. Todo representado con un tablero de jugador de tres capas y el singular mecanismo del ascenso de cartas.
Número de jugadores: 2 - 4
Duración de la partida: 33 mn
Complejidad: 2 / 5
Juega Atlantes y 1043 otros juegos en línea.
No es necesaria ninguna descarga - juega directamente desde tu navegador.
Con tus amigos y con miles de jugadores del mundo entero.

Juega Atlantes y 1043 otros juegos en línea.
No es necesaria ninguna descarga - juega directamente desde tu navegador.
Con tus amigos y con miles de jugadores del mundo entero.

Sumario de reglas
In Aquatica, players take the role of Sea Folk seeking prosperity by conquering and developing undersea locations. The player with the most Prosperity Points at the end of the game wins!
On your turn, you must:
- Play 1 Character card from your hand and perform its ability to the fullest extent possible.
- Discard the card to your personal discard pile.
You may also perform any number of additional actions, before and/or after playing your Character card, in any order:
- Activate a ready Manta (flipping it to its tired side) to gain a resource or trigger a special effect.
- Exploit a Location Depth to gain the displayed resource or effect then slide the Location card up one step.
MAIN ACTIONS (Character Cards)
Each Character card allows one of the following (depending on the card’s ability):
- Recruit – Pay coins to gain a Character card from the display.
- Buy a Location – Pay coins to gain a Location card and place it on your board.
- Conquer a Location – Pay power (Tridents) instead of coins to gain a Location and place it on your board.
- Raise a Location – Slide a Location card up to access depth bonuses (resources or effects) or gain Mantas.
- Score a Fully Raised Location – Move it to your scoring pile.
- Scout (optional) – Refresh the Location display:
- Discard the top row of Locations.
- Move the bottom row to the top.
- Refill the bottom row with new cards from the deck.
- You must have an empty slot on your board to place a new Location.
- Locations are raised step-by-step to unlock resources and effects.
- Fully raised Locations may grant a Wild Manta if they have a manta icon, but they don’t provide points unless scored.
- Only fully raised Locations can be scored.
- Mantas are reusable: flip them to use, and refresh them with abilities like Matrona or Mantas Leader.
- All resources are temporary and only usable during your turn.
There are 4 shared goals shown on the board. When you meet a goal's condition, you may:
- Place one of your color Mantas (ready or tired) on the leftmost empty space of each goal fulfilled that turn.
- Each goal may only be claimed once per player.
- Claiming a goal earlier gives more points!
The final round is triggered when any of the following occurs:
- A player has claimed all 4 goals.
- The Location deck is empty.
- The Character deck is empty.
After one final turn for each player, the game ends.
At the end of the game, players score:
- 1 point per Character card in hand (including your King). Discarded cards do not score.
- Points shown on Locations in your Scoring Pile. Locations still on your player board do not score.
- Points from goals, based on the position of your Mantas in the Goal area.
- Most Mantas in personal supply.
- Lowest-numbered King card.
KING CARDS (Optional)
- Each player starts with a King card in hand.
- King cards provide a unique ability and count toward Character-based goals.
- They also count as scoring cards in hand at the end of the game.
- In case of a tie, the player with the lowest-numbered King card wins.
- The 4 default goals are replaced with randomized goal tokens.
- These offer alternative objectives and different scoring conditions.
- The active goals are always visible on the board during the game.