Flip 7
Voltea cartas una por una sin sacar el mismo número dos veces.
¿Suena fácil? ¡Piensa de nuevo! Este no es cualquier mazo de cartas... En Flip 7 sólo hay una carta 1, dos 2, tres 3, etc. y un montón de cartas especiales que te pueden dar puntos extras, darte una segunda oportunidad o congelarte a ti o tus oponentes al instante.
¿Eres el tipo de jugador que juega con precaución asegurando sus puntos antes de ser eliminado o vas a arriesgarlo todo y tratar de conseguir los puntos extras por girar más de siete consecutivas? ¡Tentar a la suerte y estrategia se mezclan en este adictivo juego de cartas que seguro que es el mejor juego de cartas que has jugado!
Número de jugadores: 3 - 12
Duración de la partida: 10 mn
Complejidad: 1 / 5
Juega Flip 7 y 1044 otros juegos en línea.
No es necesaria ninguna descarga - juega directamente desde tu navegador.
Con tus amigos y con miles de jugadores del mundo entero.

Juega Flip 7 y 1044 otros juegos en línea.
No es necesaria ninguna descarga - juega directamente desde tu navegador.
Con tus amigos y con miles de jugadores del mundo entero.

Sumario de reglas
There are twelve 12's , eleven 11's, ten 10's... until you get to one 1; there is even one 0. There are also a few Action and Modifier cards: Flip Three, Freeze, Second Chance, and Score Modifier.
At the end of the round when at least one person hits 200 points, the person with the most points win. You score points based on the total number value of the cards in front of you. The more valuable a card is, the more copies of that card there are in the deck.
If you flipped 7 unique number cards into your line, you automatically end the round and score 15 bonus points. However if you ever draw a second card with the same number as one already in your line, you bust and are out of the round, scoring nothing.
Deal one card face up to each player. Each player in turn announce to Hit or Stay. If you Hit, put the number cards in a single row with score modifier cards above them.
The round continues until either:
- there are no active players because all players have either busted or chosen to stay.
- One player can Flip 7 unique number cards ending the round immediately.
Action cards
If an Action Card comes up in dealing, the player who drew it must choose a player (including themselves) to give it to. There are three types of action cards in the game:
- Freeze scores the player their current cards and blocks them from playing in the remaining round.
- Flip three forces the player to draw three cards. Action cards drawn this way are resolved after all three have been drawn.
- Second chance prevents the player from busting once. It is discarded once used.
Modifier cards
Modifier cards increase the score by their value. For example, a hand of 3, 4, 12 and a modifier of +10 gives the player 29 points. Note that the x2 multipler applies only to the base score, not the score after modification.