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Table configuration

Game mode
Normal mode
Game speed
Turn-based • Fixed time limit
Time allotted to each player
7 days
Playing hours
24 hours a day (no playing hours)
Board size
Opening rule

1 min

average waiting time

Game result



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Game duration
Players' average level
Average score
Number of turns
Martha Dgillou55
Game result 1st (1)2nd (0)
Thinking time masked minmasked min
Number of turns maskedmasked
6x7: Switched colors maskedmasked
6x7: First player win % (switch disabled) maskedmasked
6x7: Second player win % (switch disabled) maskedmasked
6x7: First player win % (no switch) maskedmasked
6x7: Second player win % (no switch) maskedmasked
6x7: Tentative first player win % (switch) maskedmasked
6x7: Tentative second player win % (switch) maskedmasked
8x9: Switched colors maskedmasked
8x9: First player win % (switch disabled) maskedmasked
8x9: Second player win % (switch disabled) maskedmasked
8x9: First player win % (no switch) maskedmasked
8x9: Second player win % (no switch) maskedmasked
8x9: Tentative first player win % (switch) maskedmasked
8x9: Tentative second player win % (switch) maskedmasked
9x8: Switched colors maskedmasked
9x8: First player win % (switch disabled) maskedmasked
9x8: Second player win % (switch disabled) maskedmasked
9x8: First player win % (no switch) maskedmasked
9x8: Second player win % (no switch) maskedmasked
9x8: Tentative first player win % (switch) maskedmasked
9x8: Tentative second player win % (switch) maskedmasked
9x9: Switched colors maskedmasked
9x9: First player win % (switch disabled) maskedmasked
9x9: Second player win % (switch disabled) maskedmasked
9x9: First player win % (no switch) maskedmasked
9x9: Second player win % (no switch) maskedmasked
9x9: Tentative first player win % (switch) maskedmasked
9x9: Tentative second player win % (switch) maskedmasked
10x10: Switched colors maskedmasked
10x10: First player win % (switch disabled) maskedmasked
10x10: Second player win % (switch disabled) maskedmasked
10x10: First player win % (no switch) maskedmasked
10x10: Second player win % (no switch) maskedmasked
10x10: Tentative first player win % (switch) maskedmasked
10x10: Tentative second player win % (switch) maskedmasked
All stats
Martha D's statistics at this game
gillou55's statistics at this game

Table configuration

Game mode
Normal mode
Game speed
Turn-based • Fixed time limit
+0:00 per turn (maximum 0:00)
Time allotted to each player
7 days
Playing hours
24 hours a day (no playing hours)
Board size
Opening rule

Players around this table now

Game info

How to play?

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