En Morocco, los jugadores son familias de artesanos continuando con las antiguas tradiciones del mundialmente famoso mercado Jemaa el-Fnaa en Marrakech, Marruecos. Cada día, ellos trabajan para reclamar los mejores puestos del mercado y atraer clientes a probar sus bienes o ser cautivados por sus maravillosos espectáculos.
Va a ser un día muy ajetreado, por lo que las familias luchan aún más por reclamar el espacio que necesitan. Las antiguas familias de encantadores de serpientes, vendedores de agua, comerciantes de alfombras, magos y vendedores de comida trabajan duro compitiendo por los mejores puestos.
En Morocco, los jugadores enviarán a sus trabajadores a intentar reclamar puestos en el mercado. Cuando un número suficiente de trabajadores de una misma familia llega a un puesto, esa familia lo reclama y elimina a los vendedores de zumo adyacentes.
Morocco se juega en dos fases distintas: exploración del mercado y asignación de trabajadores. En la primera fase, los jugadores utilizan el techo cercano para explorar el mercado y determinar dónde estarán los puestos más concurridos. En la segunda fase, los jugadores utilizan la información obtenida para enviar a los trabajadores al mercado.
Número de jugadores: 2 - 5
Duración de la partida: 103 mn
Complejidad: 3 / 5
Juega Morocco y 930 otros juegos en línea.
No es necesaria ninguna descarga - juega directamente desde tu navegador.
Con tus amigos y con miles de jugadores del mundo entero.
Juega Morocco y 930 otros juegos en línea.
No es necesaria ninguna descarga - juega directamente desde tu navegador.
Con tus amigos y con miles de jugadores del mundo entero.
Sumario de reglas
Take turns sending people to stalls until there are 5 or fewer open stalls in the market
Market Dice
In 2 or 3 player games only, the first step of a round is to roll the dice once (3p) or twice (2p) and everyone gains a cube of the depicted resource (or player choice if wild)
Scout Stalls
In the next stage of the round, each player performs a scout action in turn order
Move the yellow scout marker to a new space
The active player gains the cubes on the two adjacent spaces, whilst everyone else gains a cube of the space the scout marker is actually on
Assign Workers
In this next stage, each player performs two non-consecutive actions
On your turn, pick a stall and place a person on a space in that stall by paying the row and column cube cost (with some variations based on the type of person)
An Assistant or Bodyguard work on the basic cost system described above
A Tourist require the basic cost system above + 1 cube of any type (even one not in the row/column)
Cousins are two Assistants which cost the basic cost system + 1 cube of any type (even one not in the row/column) to place the first, then the second is placed in an adjacent stall at no cost
Special Action
During the Assign workers step, you may spend as many gold coins as you wish, each spend allows you to swap the positions of two row OR column cubes, changing the costing of certain stalls (You can't swap a row for a column)
Closing a Stall
After placing a worker, check to see if all 4 spaces of a stall have now been filled
Bodyguards count as taking up 2 spaces for this purpose
The player who took up the most spaces gets 5VP + covers the stall with their market tile
If there's a tie for 1st, all tied players get 5VP but a neutral market tile goes on the stall
2nd place gets 2VP, 1 Gold, and 1 Bodyguard
Tied 2nd, all get 1VP, and then a choice of 1 Gold OR 1 Bodyguard
3rd gets 1VP + 1 Gold or 1 Bodyguard
After which, all players take the numbered juice token(s) closest to their corner of the stall before removing all persons from the stall with some exceptions below:
Bodyguards go back to the Guard Quarter's rather than a player's personal supply
Depending on the direction the Market Tile is facing, any Tourists move in that direction to an adjacent stall and swap them for a normal Assistant of theirs (Market Tiles must be directed to an open stall if possible, unless none are in any of the available directions)
Round End
After everyone has had 2 placements, the round ends
The first player is shifted
The Scout marker is moved to the central space so it's not blocking any options
Everyone discards down to 1 cube
Game End
The game ends when there are 5 or less open stalls at the end of a given round
Juice tokens award points equal to their value
Each Market Tile in your largest connected district scores 3VP each
Each Gold is 1VP
Tiebreakers is most Market Tiles on stalls